Selection of new discipline: We need your feedback!
by Simon Reinhard | Dec 19, 2016 | News | 1 comment
Be a part of this The IAM has decided that Abstract Images will be replaced by a new discipline. For this purpose, the IAM had established a team of dedicated people to think about potential replacements. This team has been hard at work in the last few weeks and,...
Tournament Report: European Open and European Championship 2016 in London
by Simon Reinhard | Dec 18, 2016 | News | 3 comments
On 3 and 4 December 2016 the first ever European tournament took place in London. The championship was organised and managed by Gabriele Kappus, Nathalie Lecordier and three-time world champion Ben Pridmore, who all did a fantastic job in preparing everything. In the...
Announcement of teams / call for volunteers
by Simon Reinhard | Aug 26, 2016 | News
The IAM wants to grow. It wants to become the best it can be. In the last few weeks we have heard many people ask how they can help. Our answer is: You can help by volunteering and joining our new teams. You can make a difference. If you want to apply for any of those...Upcoming Memory Championships
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