Founding of the Memory Sports Federation of India (MSFI) as Indian branch of IAM
by Simon Reinhard | Mar 6, 2024 | News
We are very happy to announce the founding of a memory sports organization representing IAM in India: The Memory Sports Federation of India (MSFI). The founding members are: Mr Amrut Jadhav (President), Mr Pranit Gaikwad (Vice President), Mrs Tara Thombre (Secretary),...New Standard for Images (567) and for 30 min Cards (1,242)
by Simon Reinhard | Oct 26, 2023 | News
The Images standard of 446 has been broken three times by three different athletes (547, 540, 460). The new standard, based on the average of the above three scores plus 10%, is 567, effective immediately. That means that a score of 567 in the Images discipline is...IAM Software: New exciting functionality!
by Simon Reinhard | Apr 17, 2023 | Competition software, News
Hi all, A big thanks to Katie Kermode who has added a new functionality to our IAM competition software. You can now memorize with a static focus box right above the memo data, very much like on Memory League.At the moment, it is ready for Numbers and Words (Binary...The Host for the IAM WMC 2023 is India!
by Simon Reinhard | Jan 27, 2023 | IAM Board Updates, News
The IAM board had its bi-weekly board meeting today (attending: Charifa, Don, Johannes, Mohamed, Simon). After the end of the interview stage of the WMC 2023 application process, it was time to decide in favor of a bid. The members have weighed all the options and...Upcoming Memory Championships
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