For all memory athletes there are some Memory Championships happening soon.
Don’t miss out on your opportunity to compete!
You can train for the competitions on the IAM site here.
IAM Egypt Open Memory Championship 2020
The championship will be held on the 3rd October 2020, according to national standards and will be online, remote and non-ranked.
Languages available: Arabic, English and German (please note no longer open to new language requests)
Find out more and register to compete in the tournament here.
ASM/IAM French Memory Championship 2020
This championship will be held on the 17th and 18th of October 2020. It is an online, remote and non-ranked competition.
Languages available: Please note this championship and the communication for it will be conducted in French only.
Find out more and register to compete here.
Compétition Tournoi de france de mémorisation asm/iam 2020 – Paris – HelloAsso
Le championnat de France de mémoire 2020 arrive ! Rejoignez-nous pour cette compétition et mesurez-vous aux athlètes du cerveau. L’Association des Sports de Mémoire est heureuse de vous annoncer le tournoi annuel qui sera la première compétition nationale depuis la pandémie. La date: le 17 et 18 Octobre 2020 Samedi 9h-18h Dimanche 9h-16h Le lieu: en ligne Tous les participant(e)s effectueront mémorisation et restitution depuis chez eux, en simultané !
We wish all athletes the very best of luck in the upcoming competitions!
Your IAM PR Team